Smudging Kit


Even the happiest of people accumulate negative vibrations over time and some find it helpful to smudge themselves, other people, their homes, or objects several times a year.


  • Small, white sage wand & Palo Santo stick

  • Abalone Shell

  • Feather to direct smoke

  • Large wooden match

  • White tea candle

  • Smudging Instructions

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Even the happiest of people accumulate negative vibrations over time and some find it helpful to smudge themselves, other people, their homes, or objects several times a year.


  • Small, white sage wand & Palo Santo stick

  • Abalone Shell

  • Feather to direct smoke

  • Large wooden match

  • White tea candle

  • Smudging Instructions

Even the happiest of people accumulate negative vibrations over time and some find it helpful to smudge themselves, other people, their homes, or objects several times a year.


  • Small, white sage wand & Palo Santo stick

  • Abalone Shell

  • Feather to direct smoke

  • Large wooden match

  • White tea candle

  • Smudging Instructions

Kit includes:

·         Small White Sage Wand & Palo Santo

·         Small Abalone Shell

·         Feather to direct smoke

·         Large wood match

·         White Tea Candle

·         Smudging Instructions

How to Use: Hold the Sage Bundle at a 45-degree angle and ignite with a lighter or candle. Let it burn for a few seconds before lightly blowing the flame out. Waft the smoke around your home to clear surrounding energies and invite peace and positivity into your space. When finished, place the Sage Bundle in a bowl with the ignited tip down. It will put itself out. To lengthen the burn time, blow on the embers.

Warning: Use at your own risk. To prevent fire, burn sage within sight, and never leave it unattended or near anything that can catch fire. Keep out of reach of children or pets. Place on stable heat-resistant surface.

The act of Smudging—or burning particular herbs for the medicinal and therapeutic properties of their smoke, is an ancient method that clears a specific space of negativity and allows it to manifest as positive energy.

  • Smudging is an ancient ceremony that has been used all over the world for hundreds of years.

    The act of Smudging—or burning particular herbs for the medicinal and therapeutic properties of their smoke, is an ancient method that clears a specific space of negativity and allows it to manifest as positive energy.

  • Even the happiest of people accumulate negative vibrations over time and some find it helpful to smudge themselves, other people, their homes or objects several times a year. Smudging is part of a sacred ceremony so the best way to perform it is in a mindful and slow manner. Here are some examples of when smudging is helpful.

    • When moving into a new home, room or office space.

    • When you want to cleanse the energy from a particular place or object.

    • When feeling depressed, anxious, or otherwise unusual.

    • When needing to focus energy or thoughts.

    • Before sleep to prevent nightmares and sleep better.

    • After a negative situation or person leaves your space

  • Even if you do not believe that the smoke and ritual rid you of negative energy there is no denying a better state of mind through the practice. The aromatherapy and ritualistic steps of smudging promote a more mindful, purified, and centered state of being. Benefits of smudging with sage:

    • Can Remove Over 95% of Airborne Bacteria

    • Cleanses Negative Energies

    • Improves Mental Focus

    • Invokes Relaxation

    • Increases Energy

    • Improves Sleep

    • Clears the Air